I've never seen you so excited...ever!
how is it that merely planning for and trying to locate hotels for our honeymoon gets you going?
It's really rather sweet.
:wedding bell(e)s & other stuff:
how is it that merely planning for and trying to locate hotels for our honeymoon gets you going?
er, no, it isn't as bad as it sounds. honest!
Well, it was one of those lazy Fridays…boring. All my days are lazy actually, barring the time I spend cooking, cleaning and acting as general drudge-of-the-household and working out in the air conditioned splendor of the gym. Anyway, it was a lazy Friday, and so when my sister, R, suggested a trip to the wedding fair at a premium location in town, I immediately acquiesced. My parents didn’t really want to go (truth be told mom looked dead beat and with her BP on low, rest really is what she needs), so we couldn’t well, do any shopping, duh, because I’m plumb out of trousseau shopping cash and pin money.
so this list is a WIP; this was made in a rush without parental advice and without consulting my fiance. still shows that 6 months are going to fly by. Whoopee.
and it's coming at last. and its coming fast. sometimes life knocks you for a loop and you're down and out for the count. sometimes, someone up there listens to you and your heart's deepest desire does come true. all this brouhaha is just the beginning of the whirlwind, the madness, the full-on emotional atyachaar (;)) that an Indian wedding is.
:about me:
(and us!)
He's 27. I'm 26. And now that I've revealed our ages, I can't give you any more information!
August 2009 September 2009 November 2009
:the countdown: